#Republicans are fake Christians filled with hate
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socialjusticeinamerica · 2 days ago
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Firstly I’ve never seen a public school cafeteria that nice. That’s probably a private school or a very wealthy suburb.
Not only do teachers have to buy their own supplies but most buy lunches for multiple kids per day. That’s in addition to buying them clothes, especially winter clothes. They also buy the students supplies such as notebooks and writing instruments.
You really don’t know what hardship, misery, and suffering are until you’ve worked in a poor inner-city school. Children with no winter clothes walking to school in blizzards with flip-flops, t-shirts, and shorts. Children eating nothing outside of the food served at school. Every disease known to mankind rampaging through the building continually because nobody had healthcare. Children with all sorts of birth defects that could be remedied but aren’t because there’s no money or insurance. Students living in rented attics or basements that had only a small sink for bathing and food prep, and one toilet which wasn’t even in an enclosed room. Owning only one set of clothes that had to be washed in the sink nightly with just water because there was no soap let alone detergent. Living out of a car during blizzards that dropped several feet of snow. Poverty so bad it makes a single wide trailer in a shitty southern trailer park look luxurious.
Everyone who says the poor need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps needs a punch in the face followed by a yearlong sentence to live in a Northeastern tenement (top floot). All these Republican millionaires in Congress who say aid to the poor would only make them more depended or that they’ll only waste it on booze, cigarettes, and scratch tickets should be sentenced to life in prison.
It is heartbreaking beyond words to see the absolute despair of the impoverished children in cities and not much better for the rural poor. The richest country on earth and we have the most poverty in the first world. A UN report in the late 2010’s said we had poverty as bad or worse than the third world. I didn’t need anyone to tell me that. I lived it and I spent half my life trying to help those mired in it.
All those who look down on the poor and downtrodden in this country can go f—k themselves with a rusty railroad spike. The absolute inhumanity and black hearted callousness among the rich and the Republican millionaires they elect is beyond sinful. You can’t be a Christian and not feed children in schools.
Half this country are worse off than feudal serfs. The oligarchs and their monstrous Republican puppets and right-wing fan boys should be given the same fate as the monarchy during the French Revolution. Something has to change soon either through policy or revolution.
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geezerwench · 1 year ago
Biden is directly supporting genocide and is trying to get less supervison to continue doing so. He is not a lesser evil. Every important campaign promise he made was a lie. Trump and Biden are both bad people. We need a different president.
Please consider voting for someone who cares about people instead of supporting the corrupt 2-party system.
No, anonymous.
As stated before, voting third (fourth or fifth) party will only cause further turmoil and could lead to a repeat of 2016. Then anyone who isn't a rich, white, "straight," male will be forced to bend the knee and be crushed. It'll be open season on trans people, LGBTQ, Black and brown people, Asians, women.
The Republicans must be crushed this time. Or crushed as much as possible in the 2024 presidential election. This requires as many people to vote for Biden as possible. And vote blue straight down the ticket.
Then, in 2028, when trump and his Putin-backed, fake "christian" flunkies have been soundly trounced, and, hopefully, rotting in prison, people should then vote for the young progressives of their choice. Because they will still have a choice. If Biden does not win, the rest of us who don't have penises, fat wallets, and white skin will lose any semblance of choice. We will become the chattel of white male landowners. It's happening already.
But trump, and the hate-filled "christian" nationalists, the shitty antisemites, the racist bigots, the homophobic, anti-LGBTQ, and the woman-hating, knuckle dragging aLpHa MaLeS need to be defeated and cleaned out of office. Federal, State, County, and local. It needs to be done in 2024.
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chelledoggo · 4 years ago
What the Evangelical Church Does to You...
cw: religion, abuse, homophobia
It makes you feel like a rebel. Like a nonconformist.
They call themselves "non-denominational" and say "it's not about religion, it's about a relationship with God."
You're not like those stuffy Catholics or Protestants. You're a counter-cultural Christian who doesn't  conform to empty rituals and practices.
A real rebel against the establishment, just like Jesus.
That's how it starts. That's how they lure you in and make you feel special.
Now that you're hooked, the indoctrination can begin.
It starts out ordinarily enough. The sharply-dressed, smiling pastor stands up there at the stage.
He paces about; greeting the church warmly, cracking a few lighthearted jokes. Making announcements and prayer requests.
"Sharon is now out of the hospital and cancer-free! Praise Jesus! Please pray for Robert who is heading out to fight in Afghanistan next month. Don't forget, our Womens' Ministry Brunch is next Sunday after morning service. Please bring a homemade dish if you can!"
Now it's time to offer worship in song. Unlike those boring normie churches that have an organ, there's a whole band here! Keyboard, guitar, electric drums...Sure they're not very good, but they're so much livelier than your old church, right?
A bunch of elderly white people shuffle up to the altar and start awkwardly dancing. During the transition from one song to the next, the charismatic old pastor starts shouting praises to the Lord, speaking in fake tongues, beckoning his assembly to join him.
The next thing you know, the people gathered around the altar are waving their hands in the air, shouting gibberish, falling to their knees, thrashing about on the floor; all while the pastor lays his hands upon them like Jesus to the blind man. Everyone's putting on a show, either to "inspire" those around them, or to show off just who Jesus loves the most.
After what seems like hours of this, the sermon begins proper.
The pastor bring to attention a passage, a verse, a story from the Bible. The passage in question is projected onto the screen for the congregation to follow along in their Bibles and take notes.
It starts out pretty basic.
Then the pastor starts talking about this one time when he was younger, or this one time during a missions trip, or this one time spotting a poor lost soul somewhere in public. Something that loosely, if at all, relates to the Bible passage.
"We're in the end of days, folks," he proclaims. "Satan is the god of the world, and he's taking hold of all those lost souls out there!"
This allows him a segue to talk about how horrible and sinful the world is.
All the violence, the homosexuality, the fornication, the drugs, the homosexuality, the rock music, the false religions, the homosexuality, the idoltry, the homosexuality, the liberal agenda, the homosexuality, the pagan yoga practices, the homosexuality, the abortions, the homosexuality, the homosexuality, and of course the homosexuality.
He pauses, pretending to hear a message from God.
"The Lord is telling me that some of you out there are living in sin! That you're not saved! It's time to get right with God, before it's too late!"
A very broad generalization to make. The kind of speech that can make anyone begin to question themselves. Thinking about that one time they drank too much, or that one time they talked ill of their neighbor, or that one time they had sexual thoughts. Normal human experiences, blown up in their minds to be unforgivable sins.
"If you feel the Lord is calling you to come to him this morning, come up to the stage, and I'll lay hands on you! All you have to do is proclaim that you accept Jesus as your savior!"
A dozen weeping sinners gather up together like sheep to the shepard. They want to be washed clean of their filth.
After all, all you have to do is accept Jesus as your savior.
Now you're clean, right?
Well, now all you have to do is become baptized in a big tank of water front of the entire church.
All you have to do is force your adolescent children to be baptized in a big tank of water in front of the entire church.
All you have to do is preach the word to everyone you meet.
All you have to do is join the church's Bible Study.
All you have to do is send your kids to the church's Youth Group.
All you have to do is throw out your secular media and only listen to K-Love and watch PureFlix.
All you have to do is shame your children for consuming secular media.
All you have to do is join the next Pro-Life Rally.
All you have to do is plaster your car with Jesus fish sticikers.
All you have to do is vote Republican.
All you have to do is give every other paycheck to the TV pastor.
All you have to do is hate the gays.
All you have to do is disown your kids if they're gay.
All you have to do is threaten your kids with Bible verses if they step out of line.
All you have to do is shun the outside world.
All you have to do is to distrust everyone.
All you have to do is live in fear and push that fear on others.
All you have to do is live exactly how the church tells you to.
All you have to do is make your kids live in constant fear that God is judging their every move and that they should never explore their true self lest God cast them into Hell.
All you have to do is give your kids a dangerous psychological complex that will follow them for the rest of their life, even if they wise up and leave.
All you have to do is make your loved ones see God not as a loving father, but as a cruel, hateful dictator.
All you have to do is completely fuck up the people you love.
This is your new "counter-cultural" Christian life.
It's not about religion.
It's just about conforming to your charismatic preacher so that God won't punish you with eternal Hellfire or leave you behind at the end of the world, which is ever so slowly creeping up on you.
This is your freedom.
Walking in perfect straight lines like good little sheep to the sharply-dressed shepard.
This is your happy new life, filled with constant fear of damnation and hatred of the world.
This is what the Evangelical Church does to you.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years ago
It’s not just the Russians anymore as Iranians and others turn up disinformation efforts ahead of 2020 vote
It’s not just the Russians anymore as Iranians and others turn up disinformation efforts ahead of 2020 vote
(Of course it's not just the Russians!! Other countries see how successful the Russian government was in their disinformation campaign so why wouldn't other countries try it.)
By Craig Timberg and Tony Romm | Published July 25 at 5:29 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted July 26, 2019
A recent tweet from Alicia Hernan — whose Twitter account described her as a wife, mother and lover of peace — did not mince words about her feelings for President Trump: “That stupid moron doesn’t get that that by creating bad guys, spewing hate filled words and creating fear of ‘others’, his message is spreading to fanatics around the world. Or maybe he does.”
That March 16 tweet, directed to a Hawaii congressman, was not the work of an American voter venting her frustration. The account, “@AliciaHernan3,” was what disinformation researchers call a “sock puppet” — a type of fictitious online persona used by Russians when they were seeking to influence the 2016 presidential election.
But it was Iranians, not Russians, who created @AliciaHernan3, complete with a picture of a blonde woman with large, round-framed glasses and a turtleneck sweater. It was one of more than 7,000 phony accounts from Iran that Twitter has shut down this year alone.
And Iran is far from the only nation that has, within its borders, substantial capacity to wage Russian-style influence operations in the United States ahead of next year’s election. That means American voters are likely to be targeted in the coming campaign season by more foreign disinformation than ever before, say those studying such operations.
Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III echoed the consensus of independent researchers in his congressional testimony Wednesday, saying of Russian online political interference: “It wasn’t a single attempt. They’re doing it as we sit here, and they expect to do it the next campaign.” He added that “many more countries” had developed similar capabilities, based in part on the Russian playbook. A new Senate Intelligence Committee report released Thursday found that Russia began targeting the U.S. election system in 2014 and concluded that the attacks had continued into 2017.
A short list of countries that host online influence operations with a history of interfering across borders includes Saudi Arabia, Israel, China, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela, researchers say.
They say it’s often not clear exactly who runs these operations — whether it’s the governments themselves or other actors — but that they typically echo the talking points of the ruling powers and back their geopolitical goals through tweets, posts and online videos. Operations in all of these countries, meanwhile, have the means and potentially the motives to seek to influence a U.S. election shaping up as among the most hotly contested in decades.
The influence operations in these countries, however, do not all share Russia’s demonstrated preference for Trump and other Republicans. The Iranians, for example, typically oppose Trump in their disinformation messaging, criticizing his decision to pull the United States out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and administration policy on other issues, including Israel and the civil wars in Yemen and Syria, research shows.
“Multiple foreign actors have demonstrated an ability and willingness to leverage these kinds of influence operations in pursuit of their geopolitical goals,” said Lee Foster, head of the intelligence team investigating information operations for FireEye, a cybersecurity firm based in California. “We risk the U.S. information space becoming a free-for-all for foreign interference if, as a society, we fail to get an effective grasp on this problem.”
Researchers for FireEye and other firms have reported suspected Iranian disinformation on most major social media platform — Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google+ and others — and on stand-alone websites, as well. In May, FireEye also alleged that U.S. news sites may have been tricked into publishing letters to the editor penned by Iranian operatives.
The firm’s analysis spotted a number of instances where letters in newspapers in Virginia and Texas appeared to share similar characteristics to accounts on Twitter believed to be part of an Iran-based disinformation network. FireEye also catalogued fictitious Twitter personas used by Iranians that included a Harvard University student, a Michigan bodybuilder and an Iranian American woman from Seattle.
Some Iranian Twitter accounts, FireEye found, even sought to impersonate U.S. political candidates, including a California Republican who ultimately lost the general election for Congress. That account tweeted about the confirmation hearing for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and a British royal wedding before beginning to promote Iranian interests, including tweets condemning the Saudis’ killing of Washington Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
Some Iranian disinformation accounts, some of which were affiliated with state-controlled news operations, date back several years, but they have grown steadily more sophisticated. Twitter, Facebook and Google all have identified and taken offline accounts from Iran over the past year for engaging in coordinated, deceptive behavior.
“As part of our public archive of information operations, we have disclosed thousands of accounts and millions of Tweets originating in Iran that we have proactively removed,” said Yoel Roth, Twitter’s head of site integrity. “Every year is an election year on Twitter, and we will be applying all of our global learnings to protect and enhance conversations around the 2020 election.”
The Iranian tactics differ somewhat from those of the Russians, who through the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg infiltrated the online conversations of a wide range of U.S. political groupings — immigration hard-liners, African Americans, veterans, evangelical Christians, environmentalists — with messages attuned to the way those communities already were speaking among themselves on major online platforms.
The Iranian operations detected so far tend to lack that complexity, with messaging typically on a single side of an issue in line with government policy goals — countering Israel, for example — as opposed to multiple ones.
But there are clear signs of shifting tactics in the accounts identified by Twitter, Facebook and other companies so far. What’s known, researchers say, may be only small parts of much larger operations that remain undetected.
“The Iranian operations were a wake-up call to remind us that the Russians were not the only ones doing information operations,” said Camille François, chief innovation officer for Graphika, a network analysis firm based in New York that studies online disinformation.
Graphika found that among one set of 1,666 Iranian accounts taken down by Twitter in June, about 1 in 4 tweets were in English. Trump was mentioned more than 1,400 times — almost always in critical ways — with this anti-Trump tweeting peaking in early 2017, in the months around when he took office.
Researchers say that both the U.S. government and social media companies have grown more aggressive in battling online disinformation since the 2016 presidential election.
Cooperation between the FBI and Silicon Valley has improved markedly. U.S. Cyber Command blocked Internet access to Russian disinformation teams during the congressional midterm vote in November 2018, scrambling operations. Some researchers express hope that this rising aggressiveness may thwart — or at least deter — some foreign-based influence operations from interfering in future U.S. elections.
All of the major social media companies also have established teams devoted to combating disinformation, typically by identifying and shutting down networks of fictitious foreign-based accounts on an increasingly large scale.
This shift has been dramatic since 2016, when the companies saw foreign threats mainly in terms of traditional cybersecurity — hacks and bugs — as opposed to influence operations conducted by foreign adversaries with substantial resources. The Russian disinformation campaign in 2016 spent more than $1 million a month, Mueller reported in an indictment last year against the Internet Research Agency.
As social media companies crack down, the tactics of disinformation teams rapidly shift to improve operational security and more effectively evade detection. FireEye, for example, was able to identify some apparently fake Iranian accounts last year because contact numbers for supposed American Twitter users had the +98 country code from Iran, a tactical mistake operatives are unlikely to make again.
But among independent researchers and some lawmakers, significant skepticism remains on whether enough has been done to prepare for the threat in 2020.
“In 2016, Russia used bots and fake accounts to launch an unprecedented social media campaign designed to influence the results of our presidential election,” said Sen. Mark R. Warner (Va.), the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “That playbook is out in the open now, and you can bet that unless the platform companies get their acts together, we’re going to see more and more foreign-based actors using it to wreak havoc in our democratic process.”
The nations hosting significant disinformation capabilities typically first saw them active in seeking to manipulate domestic audiences, shaping public perceptions in line with regime propaganda. The next step often was working regionally, by infiltrating online conversations in neighboring countries, as Russia did in Ukraine in 2014 as it annexed Crimea and fomented unrest elsewhere in the country.
Disinformation teams in Iran initially developed their tactics while manipulating domestic political conversation before gradually expanding operations to include more languages, more themes and foreign targets.
Human rights lawyer Simin Kargar, of Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, said Iran for years has harassed journalists, political dissidents and artists in its internal disinformation campaigns. She has watched as Iran increasingly deployed such tactics against foreign targets.
“I would be surprised if the Iranians weren’t trying to expand their operations for the coming election, especially with the rising tensions between Iran and the United States,” Kargar said. “They would be far more savvy by 2020.”
Disinformation teams in Saudi Arabia have worked both internally and to manipulate other Gulf states, including in the nation’s struggle with rival Qatar, said researcher Marc Owen Jones, an assistant professor of Middle East studies at Hamad bin Khalifa University in Doha, the capital of Qatar. He said tactics in Saudi Arabia typically involve both sock puppets and automated accounts, called “bots,” echoing official government propaganda, including things said or tweeted by Trump.
Jones recently detailed in a series of tweets an apparent information operation emanating from Saudi Arabia following a visit to the White House this month by Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the emir of Qatar. Jones found a single tweet, “The Prince of Qatar a supporter of terrorism, should not be in the White House but be at Guantanamo,” had been posted up to 800 times an hour over several days, from 2,582 unique accounts. The tweets mostly were directed at U.S.-based targets, including Trump, the CIA and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and at several news organizations, including Fox News, Reuters and The Washington Post.
“There’s still this pro-Trump message coming from Saudi Twitter, and I don’t think that’s likely to change,” Jones said. “They view Trump’s reelection as key to their own survival.”
A spokesman for the Saudi Embassy in Washington, Fahad Nazer, said, “Saudi Arabia does not interfere in anyway in the domestic affairs of other countries. It considers this noninterference principle to be a pillar of the rules-based international order. Just as importantly, Saudi Arabia does not engage in the dissemination of “disinformation” of any sort. Any allegations to the contrary are baseless.”
This trajectory from nationally focused to internationally focused disinformation campaigns raises longer-term worries about what other nations might have disinformation teams sharpening their chops on domestic audiences with an eye toward eventual use against foreign targets, including in the United States. In addition to those with known foreign disinformation capabilities, there are numerous nations — Turkey, Egypt, the Philippines, Qatar, Mexico and others — that now use such tactics mainly to influence domestic politics but could turn their attention to foreign targets.
In a related trend, online mercenaries have begun offering information operations as a commercial service. Facebook shut down 265 accounts from an Israeli company, Archimedes Group, in May for seeking to manipulate elections through social media targeting voters in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia. The company said on its website that it would “use every tool and take every advantage available in order to change reality according to our client’s wishes.”
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bogleech · 7 years ago
Ever since I made fun of some of my aunts and uncles I've been asked to go into further detail so here’s the full list:
-One hyper-Christian uncle who married an Indian woman I think he may have converted, or she converted shortly before coming to America. They live in a house full of pet birds and would be cute if they weren’t aggressively anti-LGBT and probably beat the shit out of their kids. I say this because they cried when my mom gave them each one fun-size chocolate bar because they were afraid of their parents finding out. I’ve seen none of them since I was a kid myself but I know they moved out on their own and might be better people than their mom and dad, probably.
-One also hyper-Christian uncle who’s disarmingly smiley and friendly and jokey and “what would JESUS do?” about every possible thing but still agrees with everything his wife tells him to after she spends all day reading breitbart news and Limbaugh. She does not work and is not disabled but feels the poor should “just work harder” and that she’s the one struggling because she “only” lives in a three story townhouse and can “only” take two vacations a year.
-Another hyper-Christian uncle who is just five years older than me, like, we were babysat together at his mom, my grandmom’s house when we were little. Two years ago he blocked me on facebook in an argument about same-sex marriage. Months ago, he came out to his wife and moved out of the house with a boyfriend. The previous two uncles wanted to “kick his ass” for it and it apparently all tore the family apart but I’m glad he’s being true to himself. I’m not including my own parents in all this but my dad was the only one who quickly and easily accepted their littlest brother for this.
-One blood-related aunt who is funny and kind and politically, ethically the polar opposite of the uncles. She plays guitar well enough to have opened for local shows and just has an extensive list of interests and hobbies and is generally fun to listen to. I wish I’d also seen more of her last husband before they separated and I moved, though I hear they are still on good terms and constantly hanging out. He’s a reclusive mathematical genius and looks and acts a lot like how a Hollywood movie would portray exactly that person.
-The uncle I’ve already talked about who hates cats, hates black people, thinks Dave Chapelle is hilarious because he thinks black people are the butt of the jokes, hoards objects he steals from yards or picks from garbage, stole shit from the rest of his family for decades, lost his (much nicer) wife and kids to the hoarding habit and his sheer obnoxiousness, laughs madly after all of his own sentences and always tried to take my candy when I was little.
-Another uncle, old enough to be my granddad. that lives somewhere in Florida and I have only one memory of from when I was maybe five, which was him speeding up his car while I was in it in order to convince me he was trying to run over a cat.
-Another uncle who works back stage for the Dave Matthews band right now. This whole post is starting to sound fake, isn’t it. Sorry. Anyway this uncle is a  tea party Republican and not allowed to talk about politics at his job anymore. I have nothing else to say about him, not because I don't know any more, but because there isn't anything else that sticks out about him. He is nothing but his highly predictable political views and his love of the music industry.
-An aunt who married purely for money and lived in a gigantic house and avoided us until her son died, not long after she had told him she never wanted him. She never got over the guilt and reinvented herself as a cool fun adventure lover and artist constantly visiting my mom and I to fill the void I guess.
EXTRA LONG story short, my last contact with her was when she had decided she hated us all over an unrelated drama and was trying to frame my mom for a burglary while snail-mailing us threatening cassette tapes. Later she died of a drug overdose and I learned she spent many years murdering neighborhood pets but specifically cats, fuck her.
I don’t know what the flying fuck this family had about cats.
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dwestfieldblog · 4 years ago
Rocking and doomscrolling in an Eigenstate, the English Variant is here...All virtue signalling wannabe edgelords,  sleepwalking ’woke’ automatons, fake Christians, Faustian Republicans, corrupt Conservatives and retarding neophobes look away now. Little more than domesticated primates, a majority of larval humanity continues to ignore its astral biology...yes really. ‘Those who control symbols control us’.  And Pavlov dogs do love flags eh? Here is a balanced, mostly unpretentious finite rant for breakfast where the opinion arises from triple checked facts rather than mere emotion.  In God we rust.
Straight off...Disgusted to rage by the English government’s March budget which gives  nurses a ‘pay rise’ equivalent to three pounds fifty pence a week, (which doesn’t even begin to cover the cost of their parking at hospitals) the disdain these arrogant swine feel for truly essential workers is revealed in full. The ‘Heath’ minister explained that times were tight due to Covid...yes Matt, fairly sure the nurses working 18 hours a day had already noticed this in their desperately overworked, overcrowded hospitals. Deeply in debt, Britain plans to borrow 355 billion pounds this year, the highest amount in her history. Corporation tax will possibly increase in 2023, a little late to balance wages elsewhere for nurses etc...And given the previous ten years, highly unlikely it would even be used for such. But it might look good to those brainwashed gimps that STILL plan to vote for this bastardly corrupt party in 2024.
A clip taken in March of an exceptionally long queue for a food bank in London brings it all into sharper focus. The 6th richest economy in the world has the most food banks of any democratic country. Over 2000 in the UK. (Over 900 in Germany.) Hate to come across as a Socialist but The Tories have been in power for ten long years, historically destroying the NHS a bit more each time they hold power. Endlessly subcontracting, pouring money into new unneeded tiers of management, slowing operations down with extra paperwork, voting down pay rises, thus expediting a brain drain of doctors, nurses and surgeons to other countries and private practices...and over the last thirteen months, supplying those who stayed, with mountains of  PPE equipment not fit for purpose. A ‘jolly good show’ handclap every evening on doorsteps doesn’t fecking cut it. Neither do all the rainbows drawn by children put into windows. In fact, Boris, it looks like outright damn cynicism. All the more since your dose of the virus (‘I visited the Covid ward and shook hands with everyone’) was healed by excellent work by the NHS. Mr. Boris ‘No government could have done more’. Johnson...a lot of us are keeping score.
Lord Bethell, (‘Parliamentary under secretary of State for Innovation at the Department of Health and Social Care’) said that nurses are ‘well paid’ for the job they do, reiterating that times are hard; ‘There are millions of people out of work on the back of this epidemic’. Well yes there are. And why? A government which dragged its heels many times after salient scientific advice, prognoses/ projections were given, and allowed three massive social gatherings (384,000 people) to take place for superspreading, as well as conflicting advice about masks, herd immunity and confusion over open borders, schools to return for one day, etc...All of which led to the dire need for total lockdowns and the impossibility to sell or go to work (unless working from home) leading in turn to unpaid rent/bills, evictions, bosses laying off those they cannot afford to pay. And to mention again, the Tories have been the ones in power for ten years...with banking scandals (where chiefs were not punished but the public were twice, once by collapses and once for raised taxes to prop up the greed). The expenses scandal of politicians, massive public service cutbacks, corruption, the smug George Osbourne guiding Britain disgracefully to poverty via austerity, a National Health service being encouraged to disintegrate and’ an oven ready’/tramps breakfast scraps Brexit...and LO!... the coffers are indeed a little empty thanks to all the contracts tossed without oversight to the governments mates without due process, including 37 billion pounds spent on a Test and Trace programme which did not function, 252 million AND 6000 pounds a DAY to ‘consultants (for the essential chimera of PR etc).Chumocracy at highly profitable work.
Over to you Boris, ‘...it is thanks to PRUDENT FISCAL MANGEMENT that we have been able to fight this pandemic in the way that we have.’
Well exactly.
A dishevelled adult leader of a country who cannot even brush his hair or dress himself, a ‘leader’ who missed five vital COBRA meetings about the pandemic, never took in the notes from scientists of advance warnings and blustered his pompous comedy horseshite rather than leading from the front. Father of six or perhaps 7 illegitimate children (does he pay child support? No records). But never mind eh, he is a rum sort of cove. No. Churchill would have him horsewhipped naked and tarred and feathered in Trafalgar Square. But still! When questioned on whether there would be an inquiry into the colossal waste without recompense or standard clauses in contracts of taxpayers’ money raped from the Treasury, Mr Johnson replied that it was ‘NOT IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST’. Really. REALLY? Boris, if you were a catheter, you could not extract more urine than you already do. The clown father of the motherland. BJ said he took ‘full responsibility’ for the massive number of fatalities. But hasn’t resigned.127 thousand covid deaths in UK, leading Europe by 33 thousand.  Well played chaps. 545 thousand USA. China 4636. Yeah RIGHT. Sure.
Once knew a guy who, if you told him something factual, most often replied with ‘Well, it’s the first I’ve heard of it’...meaning anything he had not already been told was automatically false. How did he ever learn new information? Neophobes, their insecurities heavy chains to evolving, seem to rule the world; Good news is they don’t. Bad news is, they know it and are getting ever more desperate the rest of us go down with them in righteous conservatism and counter evolution. ‘Perception does not consist of passive reception of signals but of an active interpretation of signals...active, creative trans-actions’...‘The easier you can predict a message, the less information the message contains’. If a media source etc attempt to relay actual news and it does not fit what is already believed, it is disregarded or worse...GIGO...Garbage In=Garbage Out.
The pandemic is doing great things for the further global rise of populist swine...When the mass public mind is aflame with anger and fear, new bastards step up and old governments impose harder laws. Hungary loses her last independent radio station and Orban rejoices. Brazilian bastid Bolsanaro continues to see his people as expendable inhuman statistics. By their hatred he will burn. 301 thousand dead. Totalitarianism creeps apace via populist chancers, Stalinist fascists, nationalist bullshitters who care far more about their ego than their country. (Hello frog eyed Nigel Farage aka Lord Haw Haw the 2nd.) Speaking of which...Lord Mayor of London wannabe Laurence Fox bought a mask exemption badge online because he didn’t want his pretty face to be unrecognised. Narcissist, who as leader of a new party Reclaim, wants to ‘take back’ Britain from the Woke snowflakes (even while speaking like a laidback Establishment version of them) and end up in Parliament. Good for you luvvie. But now with acting career ended and music career failed, he does look a lot like a pretty poster boy who needs to stay adored and recognises (along with his string pulling financial backers) there is a bandwagon to be jumped on. In 8 years time he (or someone similar in insecure need for others approval to give vent to their sadistic impulses) could be a new type of prime minister and the V for Vendetta pre-scenario will be in full swing. ‘Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers, then we know who owns them’ Robin Williams via Jonathan Pie. No one from Texas should be allowed to be president...and no one from Eton (or Harrow) should ever be allowed to be Prime Minister. Apart from Churchill.
Sometimes it takes a nightmare to wake one up...an authoritarian dystopia coming soon to a land mass near you...a failed state and a divided kingdom of Mediocre Britain with bad laws for her citizens but great if you are a ‘public servant’ or a friend of those that are. Probably a good thing for Euope that we are an island eh? We turned our back on them and they can cast us adrift like an oil tanker filled with toxic waste. Sunak or Patel next? Will the ‘Elite’ (Ha) allow a person of colour to rise to the depths of Prime Minister? The entire cabinet should be sent to a Chinese prison. Avaricious liars. If you don’t stir the cream it turns into scum.
And speaking of destroying your country from inside....
Oh America... just watched the Idaho mask burning clip in Boise, adults encouraging children to pick up discarded masks, pathogens, all with bare hands and drop into the garbage bin flames...inhaling the formaldehyde smoke... Freedom! End lockdown now! Breathe deeply rednecks. So looking forward to having a black woman president over there. Please be better than all these useless white trash MORONS...Q Onan, the ‘storm’ (in a beer can), the ‘plan’, ‘where we go one, we go all’...right down the toilet of history into the sewers of oblivion. Good riddance to foul rubbish, Believers anxious for orders from ‘Christians’ who are actually serving what they would call ‘Satan’. Ironic on the darkest level, no? LOOK at their faces, into their eyes, naught but greed for power. Two thousand years of inverted truths. ‘Religion’ became consumed by ‘the Devil’. Discuss with yourself after watching the majority of preachers.
The Trumps, Hawley, Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Bannon, the Mercers, Paula White, Stella Immanuel and the Gawd awful Marjorie Taylor Greene should be sent alone, foodless to a small island surrounded by sharks. And filmed for our entertainment. And oh...that dumbass disgusting false idol kitsch gold statue (to celebrate his love of golden rain) of Donald, created via Mexico and China in artistic irony. And, and AND the Republican senators against any background checks for those who want to own guns. (Seven mass killings this year already by armed wankers.) Britain, Europe and America, unions encouraged, persuaded to break apart into hexagram 23 while China and Russia grin. Q seems like a new form of right wing bullshite to rally the dumb against what they perceive to be the ‘left wing’ rebellion of Anonymous. I think Q originated in the Kremlin myself. An electronic baobab seed...
Back to my birthland...New powers of arrest looming for ‘Non Crime Hate Incidents’, and a new police bill of up to ten years prison for silent protest. One almost expects this in (arf) lesser countries with pantomime dictators, but on the septic, excuse me, sceptre’d isle of Britain? An obvious Government first shot reaction against what they know might be coming for their dire mishandling of the pandemic, loss of jobs and no real support for the underlings...Governments ARE afraid of their people, that’s why enough laws are passed (with minimum debate or under cover of smokescreen news events) to ensure all those not wealthy and well connected are in daily risk of being arrested for ‘criminality’. So be sure to be obedient to your ‘public servants’.
Ahh.. enough eh? Apolitically incorrect, radical liberal, fundamentalist atheist, remember the Tar Baby idea Dave, the more you attack something, the more you are attached to it. Let it go brother. The difference between being frozen in stasis and empty with Zen calm. But to paraphrase Robert Anton Wilson, (as I am so often wont to do) thanks to our own programming, when we do not frequently examine and cross check our input we become full of Self Hypnotic Ideational Trance. Dogmas must be only transitory, flow river, flow...
Bells Theorem? Pretty good but this is mostly Jameson’s (with Czech spring water) theorem. In confession, I crave your indulgence, Invoke Often, Repeat repeat repeat, ‘How far is it, if you can think of it?’ Transduction of thoughts into chemicals...surfing the neuropeptides and there you stood on the edge of your feather expecting to die, A skeleton breastfeeding a priest, and if that mocking bird don’t sing, daddy’s gonna break off both its wings. Whoops. The optical illusion of a rainbow halo as beautiful as ‘God on drugs’.  Melancholy melophile, melomaniac and melomaniacal, I am an Audiophile in the paralysis of rapture...Ahh...and now I have obtained an elegant sufficiency, multitasking in five time zones. Left frontal lobe digital (manual) moving to Right frontal lobe analogue non Aristotelian (self controlled). Get it? DNA appears to be a cybernetics information/programming system...but anyway...
Bet there will be a massive increase in the birth rate nine months after most of the world is vaccinated, a surge of relieved masses celebrating in the old fashioned way. All those who died will be ‘replaced’ at double pumping speed. The idea that the vaccine contains the ‘Establishment’s’ nanobots seems unlikely...how on Earth would at least ONE person in the know, not spill the (genetically modified) beans? And those wondrous illogical conspiracy theories that Covid was triggered deliberately via 5G mast networks by a satanic paedophile elite will fade for a while. Until the ‘Christian’evangelical (evil angels) right wing restart their crazed rambling about the Illuminati/Freemasons again. For the record, my own feeling is that any group which had Leonardo da Vinci, Goethe, Beethoven, Sir Issac Newton, Washington, Mark Twain, Churchill, Oscar Wilde, Jefferson etc as members, seems like a fairly cool and worthwhile group for humanity to learn from. Is it because Lucifer was the Light Bringer that they conflate illumination with evil? How very aware of them. Arf. Paranoid magicians live longer. Speaking of witch...’Nothing is, nothing becomes, nothing is not’. A.C. The Book of Lies. Be aware, not woke. Look for the hunchback (?) behind the soldier (!)...‘You can empty infinity from it and infinity still remains’.
‘The data may not contain the answer. The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data.’
Ever see Interstellar? Love that film. Elon Musk should just select 100 people, blast off and leave the rest of us to burn. As psychologists would call it, most of humanity is indeed still at the larval stage. Most of us stay on ‘the fourth circuit’ all life and rip at anyone who goes beyond or tries to. Christ would be murdered again, that’s why Buddha avoided crowds. Release and receive...channel.
‘Truth, truth, truth! crieth the Lord of the Abyss of Hallucinations...’
Paradise in a scientific quantum possibility...A dimension where the ‘soul’/ recorded/imprinted memory continues in  ‘A quite specific electromagnetic-gravitational field in which mind can manifest without organic bodies’. As all ‘reality’ is subjective, and an individual life most likely takes up a mere byte in a terabyte (trillion bytes). Personal Heavens, the way YOU design and chose. Dream and imagine possibilities now...much Love forever from Anon of Ibid
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misssssssssterpotter · 8 years ago
Topple The White Male Patriarchy
Smash & Grab.
That’s what they’re doing.
This is the final Smash & Grab power move by the antiquated #WhiteHeteroMalePatriarchy.
They know they're irrelevant.
They know as a society, we only progress forward when they relinquish power, so they're accruing as much power as possible by any means in an attempt to secure their place as the paramount social, economic, political entity.
At this, they have already failed.
They are outnumbered.
They cannot succeed with their hateful agenda as long as we stay diligent, vigilant, focused, compassionate & promise to never become the low person of character that they have masterfully cultivated over the last 40 years of #GOP #conservative #republican policy.
When They Go Low.. We Go High.
We Are Progressives.
Key word.. PROGRESS.
There is no progress while hate-filled people are in power.
This murder/suicide clumsily executed by the #WhiteHeteroMalePatriarchy is the best evidence yet that they should never have been, nor ever should be in power.
There is no Right-Wing.. there is only FAR RIGHT EXTREMISM.
The number one threat to Americans are White Supremacists/Nationalists of which we have several in all three branches of government as well as a large swath within our police force.
  Since the events of September 11th, 2001, more Americans have been killed by Christian Extremists than Muslim Extremists, yet this administration chose to ban Muslims from countries that have NEVER attacked the U.S. (clearly for fiscal purposes as we witness the first #ForProfitAdministration).
Rather than attempt to bridge a gap and “unify the country” as the administration’s empty rhetoric would have us believe, they have filled the cabinet INTENTIONALLY with ironic posts; none more ironic and dangerous as the appointing to U.S. Attorney General, a man known to be soft on Christian Extremists and hard on already disenfranchised minorities.
Rather than aqueous to scientific evidence on climate change, let alone the will of the American People, they have pushed forward with the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPl); the shipping & use of finite resources known to be destroying the planet’s ability to sustain life as we know it. Is this because as they say, it’s in the best interest of the country..? No. It’s in the best interest of their pocket books. It’s in their best interest to quell the empirical data which not only shows climate change is being accelerated by humans, but that we can halt this travesty by switching to clean energy; of which there are millions of jobs waiting to be filled by Americans.
Rather than defend Civil Liberties & Rights of minority communities such as #LGBTQ or #PoC, they have rolled back protections of these groups.
Rolled back.
They have rolled back Civil Liberties & Rights of disenfranchised groups.. and all in the name of “Religious Freedom”.
*On that note.. despite popular belief in the Christian Extremist camp, you do NOT have the religious freedom to discriminate*
Rather than protect women’s #BodyAutonomy, they have waged an attack on Women’s Health by defunding organizations historically praised for their work in regard to affordable, accessible Family Healthcare. They created fake videos in effort to convince their constituency, through lies & deceit that these organizations are doing malicious works.
Rather than protect women, they chose to enslave them.
  The only message coming from this administration and the cowardly senators & congresspersons who will not DENOUNCE these anti-American actions and rhetoric is, “U.S. means US.. Not YOU.”
If you don’t look, act, think, speak, dream & live the life carved by the #WhiteHeteroMalePatrarchy
You WILL be made to suffer.
On their way into antiquity, they want to make us hurt.
They’ve made their own beds. Dug their own graves. All we have to do is survive.
Survive the #GOP implosion.
Survive the #conservative witch hunts on the #LGBTQ & #PoC communities.
Survive the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and misinformation that leads poor, downtrodden communities to think a #ScapegoatingSnakeOilSalesman is the answer to their problems.
  American Democracy is under its most vicious attack yet.
It is under attack by the Far-Right, Christian Extremist, #WhiteHeteroMalePatriarchy.
These people have no desire to compromise with Progressives.
They wish to annihilate Progressives.
They won’t.
We out number them.
We have history on our side.
Compassion is stronger than fear.
Our LOVE Will Defeat Their HATE.
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oldguardaudio · 5 years ago
Lloyd Marcus-> Do Democratic Loyalists Really Know their Party?
Trump Truck @ Hoax and Change
Lloyd Marcus @ HoaxAndChange.com
Lloyd Marcus – A black conservative – Hoax And Change
Lloyd Marcus
Do Democratic Loyalists Really Know their Party?by Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American
Do you find yourself scratching your head wondering why your intelligent, moral, and Christian relatives and friends continue to support the Democratic party despite its amoral, anti-Christian, and anti-American agenda? A part of the problem is that for decades Republicans and conservatives have brought an olive branch to a gunfight, allowing progressives free rein to demonize Republicans and conservatives in the minds of many Americans. Trump is a rare Republican who understands the viciousness of our enemies within and is fighting back appropriately.No matter how hard I try to educate relatives and friends about the benefits of conservatism and voting Republican, some persist in viewing me as an Uncle Tom black man betraying his people. Stenciled on their brains is the lie that conservatives and Republicans are selfish, rich, and racist white men who abuse and exploit everyone. Thank God for the #WalkAway Campaign and the Blexit movement in which youths, white and black, have finally seen the light and are exiting the Democratic party with its decades of lies and broken promises.Still, there are Democratic walking brain-dead zombies who reject the truth that their party has been hijacked by hate-filled anti-Christian and anti-American progressives. The Bible speaks of unfortunate souls who prefer to embrace a lie rather than the truth. We must pray for them.However, there are Democratic loyalists who simply do not realize what their “workingman’s” party has become. For example: A lifelong Democratic senior relative is excited about voting for Joe Biden for president.This relative has no idea that Biden and his fellow Democrat presidential contenders demonically seek to legalize murdering babies after the child is born. In their perverted definition of women rights, Democrats say that a woman has the right to murder her healthy born baby. I pray for the right time to tell my senior relative the truth about Biden and her beloved Democratic party.Progressives are extremely good at keeping their assaults on our culture off evening news broadcasts and the front page of the New York Times. Consequently, few Democratic voters know their party supports LGBTQ ideology being taught is schools beginning in pre-k. The LGBTQ curriculum in public schools mandates that students read I Am Jazz, about a boy whose insane parents began his sex change at three years old. The Pope and pediatricians say that teaching transgender ideology is child abuse. Hellbent on making the perverted sexual behavior of less than 3% of the population mainstream, Democrats seek to make it illegal to counsel anyone troubled by their same-sex attraction.
I doubt that the average Joe Democratic voter knows his presidential candidates welcome the invasion of illegals while promising them free healthcare, along with numerous other benefits unavailable to Joe and his fellow American citizens. Do loyal Democratic voters know that Democratic sanctuary cities protect illegals who rape and murder Americans?San Francisco is a Democrat-controlled sanctuary city. A Democratic relative’s eyes almost popped out of her head as I told her about the poop maps distributed in San Francisco to help tourists avoid the piles of human excrement left by vagrants defecating on the streets. She knew nothing about the swiftly expanding massive tent cities, rat infestation, and resurgence of old diseases due to filth. She had no idea that rather than reversing their policies which are destroying the once beautiful city by the bay, Democrats are tripling down on their insane policies.As I stated, progressives are masters at hiding their war on all things wholesome and good. I chatted with a Christian pastor at his church’s picnic. He never heard of the Equality Act, which Democrats have already successfully passed in the house.In response to Scotus redefining marriage, this pastor’s church wrote in its by-laws that they will not perform homosexual weddings, nor rent their facilities for homosexual weddings. I explained to the pastor that the deceptively titled Equality Act will force his church to abandon its biblical convictions, making it illegal not to surrender to every demand of LBGTQ anti-Christian terrorists. A member said that about 40% of that church’s congregation is Democratic. I doubt those Democrats are aware of their party’s war on their religious liberty.How many blue-collar Democratic voters know their party’s Green New Deal will kill jobs and destroy Trump’s booming economy? Within the next 12 years, their insane Green New Deal includes eliminating 99% of cars; eliminating air travel, banning affordable energy, banning meat, gutting and rebuilding every building in America, and numerous other outrageous environmental wacko demands.A gentleman probably in his 90s was in front of me in the checkout line at the dollar store. This pleasant gentleman struck up a conversation with me about the weather. He said that the unusual humidity is the result of us not taking care of the environment. He said the Arctic icebergs are melting.I thought, “Why bother trying to educate him? He is probably an old guy, stuck in his ways.” And yet, I felt guilty for not sharing the truth with the misinformed senior.As we exited the store, I succinctly told him, “Sir, we cannot control the weather. Everything you are hearing in the news about us destroying the environment is a political attempt for government to take more control of our lives.” To my surprise, he replied, “I think you’re right.”This is what we all must do, folks. We must begin speaking up rather than assuming we have lost the battle for the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans. My wife said that because she does not possess expert knowledge of every issue, she is reluctant to speak out when someone parrots Democratic and fake news media lies. I encouraged her to confidently share what she does know about an issue. Remember, God uses ordinary people. Your little becomes much when you place it in the Master’s Hand. Spread truth and trust God to reap positive results.Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated AmericanHelp Lloyd Spread the Truthhttp://LloydMarcus.com
WebLink: bit.ly/2mcgMkP
Lloyd Marcus-> Do Democratic Loyalists Really Know their Party? Lloyd Marcus-> Do Democratic Loyalists Really Know their Party? Lloyd Marcus Do Democratic Loyalists Really Know their Party?
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theconservativebrief · 6 years ago
Last Saturday, about three hours before my wedding, I waited in a hotel room with my rabbi and watched cable news reports of a massacre at a synagogue not far from where we were.
The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, the deadliest act of anti-Semitic violence in recorded American history, was a terrorist attack aimed at the heart of the Jewish community. The shooter, who openly said he wanted to “kill all the Jews,” was sending a message: that even in America, where Jews like my grandparents had found refuge after the Holocaust, you are not and never will be safe.
And our wedding was held under the explicit threat of anti-Semitic violence.
About two months prior, a group of online anti-Semites angry with my reporting had published its date and location and threatened to crash the celebration. They defaced our online guestbook with anti-Semitic posts and promises of violence. One message, from “Joseph Goebbels,” promised my wife Katie and I that “some day soon you will shut your lying mouths for good.”
A security consultant concluded, after an investigation, that the threats were not serious. And indeed, our wedding was lovely and unmarred by violence. But the Tree of Life shooter had marinated in similar online alt-right forums as the ones from which our threats emerged. He proved that the skyrocketing levels of hate speech directed at American Jews recently are not merely the idle chatter of bored internet trolls. This new wave of anti-Semitism could, and in fact did, produce a kind of American pogrom.
Under those circumstances, my wedding to Katie was no longer solely a celebration of our happiness. It felt like an act of defiance.
I met Katie in the latter half of 2015, and fell in love quickly. She was not Jewish, but she began reading about Judaism after seeing how meaningful it was to me.
Katie’s an academic, and she approached Jewish studies with a scholar’s diligence. She connected with the rich intellectual core, emotional heart, and beauty of Jewish ritual in a way that, she told me, came as a real surprise. She converted about a year before our wedding.
During Katie’s conversion, she saw the best parts of Judaism. She didn’t see the suffering that I had glimpsed growing up: the numbers tattooed on my grandfather’s arm; the more subtle but far more profound psychological scars of an Auschwitz survivor who escaped a death march in 1945 by hiding under a dung pile in the Bavarian countryside.
HIAS, the Jewish refugee resettlement group, brought my grandfather and grandmother over to the United States after the war. My mother was born on American soil, a birthright citizen; if it weren’t for HIAS’s assistance, she never would have been here to meet my father. This was the organization the Pittsburgh shooter singled out before he set out on his rampage. He was enraged by its work helping the modern-day equivalents of my family coming to America.
This is the duality of modern Jewish life: We are tasked with maintaining a beautiful and ancient tradition in the face of the knowledge that some people want to kill us for doing so. Every joyful Jewish event operates with this understanding humming in the background.
We didn’t want our wedding to focus on Jewish suffering. Katie and I wanted our day to be about the joy of Jewish life, about the new Jewish home we were creating together. There were little touches — my grandfather’s prayer shawl on our shoulders, my Great-Uncle Josef’s shawl on the top of our chuppah — to remind us of our ancestors, many of whom had suffered terribly. But we wanted to celebrate our lives and our future: to share our joy with our friends and family.
The Pittsburgh shooting reminded us that there is no neat separation between Jewish joy and Jewish suffering. The shooter attacked the Tree of Life synagogue during a bris, the ritual circumcision and party marking the entry of a new Jewish boy into the world. It is the very fact of us living Jewishly that these people hate; conversely, every part of Jewish life that we live publicly is a declaration of victory over their project.
So even after the shooting, the wedding went ahead as planned. We stood under the chuppah and exchanged rings; we broke the glass and were hoisted up on chairs and danced the hora. This was, to my mind, the best way we could honor the 11 victims in Pittsburgh: to show that Jewish life goes on in the face of those who want it to cease, that our family will continue the legacy that they died attempting to preserve.
In the days following the wedding, Katie and I went away on a mini honeymoon. I had initially resolved to stay away from work and the news during those precious newlywed days.
But the enormity of the Pittsburgh shooting hit home after the wedding ended, and I could not stop reading. What struck me the most, aside from the pain of the Jewish community, was the insulting response from our political leadership.
President Trump has not ceased blaming the “migrant caravan” on George Soros, a wealthy Jewish philanthropist and Holocaust survivor; just Wednesday, he said “he wouldn’t be surprised” if Soros were behind it all. This idea, that Jews are behind mass migration, appears to be the reason the Pittsburgh shooter launch his killing spree. (Soros, long an object of right-wing scorn, was himself one of the more than a dozen prominent Democrats and Democratic donors who were mailed pipe bombs in recent weeks.)
Vice President Mike Pence invited a fake rabbi, Loren Jacobs, to offer a post-Pittsburgh prayer for “unity” at a campaign rally. Jacobs is actually a Christian missionary dedicated to converting Jews — that is to say, to weakening the Jewish community — and a defrocked one at that. His comments at the rally contained references to Jesus and a call for a Republican victory in the 2018 midterms; he did not name a single one of the Pittsburgh victims.
This offensive response was in no way surprising: The White House’s response to hate crimes is quite typically tone-deaf and insulting. But this one felt different.
As a Jew mourning with my community, I wanted a promise from my political leadership: a pledge of support for American Jews, an offer that the people in power will do everything they can to protect my new family from another massacre. What I got was the opposite: a callous indifference to our justified sense of fear, and repetition of the same kind of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories you heard from people like the Pittsburgh shooter. While both Pence and Trump offered denunciations of anti-Semitism, their words felt pro forma in light of their actions.
The essential truth of diaspora Jewish life is that we are, and always will be, a minority. Because we exist in largely non-Jewish societies, we depend on the goodwill of the non-Jews who run these societies for our safety and survival. The worst anti-Semitic acts in history had been either perpetrated by governments or implicitly sanctioned by them.
During my mini honeymoon, which was supposed to be filled with joy, I was at times overcome by anger. America’s most visible leaders, the president and vice president, were showing me, my wife, and our community that they were not on our side — that they did not hear our concerns, did not feel our pain, and were indifferent to the scary historical resonances that their behavior brought up in the Jewish mind.
Being Jewish and a newlywed creates a sense of obligation: As the ebullience of the wedding reception recedes, the hard work of building a Jewish family looms ahead of you. The past week has woken me up to the fact that many people in my country, represented by the president himself, are at best indifferent to our community’s fate. It is a hard lesson in being a minority that I will never forget.
I don’t want to leave you with the sense that the shooting ruined our wedding. Far from it: It was a beautiful day, full of memories I will never forget. My best man breaking down during his toast; Katie’s sisters calling me “brother” for the first time; Katie, stunning in her long white dress. These memories, not the sense of persecution and threat, are what run through my head when I think of that day.
I wish those scenes could serve as an unalloyed testament to the strength of the Jewish community in the face of horrible violence. But my reveries are tempered by a disquieting thought, grown louder in the past few days: that our fellow Americans do not have our back.
Original Source -> My Jewish wedding was the day of the Pittsburgh shooting. Anti-Semites threatened it.
via The Conservative Brief
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kidsviral-blog · 7 years ago
Cher explains Mormon ‘tenants’
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/cher-explains-mormon-tenants/
Cher explains Mormon ‘tenants’
After coming under fire for a bigoted tweet about Mitt Romney’s “magic underwear”, noted religious scholar Cher finally decided to find answers to her questions about those darn secretive Mormons. Apparently she now considers herself fully qualified to fill us in on Mormon “tenants.”
Do they pay the rent on time? Are they considerate neighbors? Do they clean up after their pets? C’mon, Cher. We’ve got to know!
The incoherent diva also shared her thoughts on Paul Ryan and his supposed devotion to Ayn Rand’s “tenants” (debunked here).
Besides his"All American"fake Charm"Ryan would do as much Damage 2 the U.S. as any of the dictators we abhor!He want to make Mitt'sTax Rate
— Cher (@cher) August 15, 2012
0.8%,which amounts to $200.000On $22MILLION! The deficit of $4.6 trillion will be absorbed by cuts 2 medicare,food stamps,cuts in police &
— Cher (@cher) August 15, 2012
Firefighters pensions & on & on! How can u b a true person of faith if u take from the poor to Give 2 the Rich! Also his long time devotion
— Cher (@cher) August 15, 2012
Ayn Rand is disconcerting!her main tenant was "Morality of Capitalism,Survival of the fittest,read the Fountain Head!a celebration of
— Cher (@cher) August 15, 2012
We’re not really familiar with Rand’s time as a landlord, but we’re guessing she wasn’t big on the idea of rent control.
Aggressive Dominance! I thought the reason we came to america was religious freedom,but now it seems there is only ONE WAY 2 get 2 HEAVEN !
— Cher (@cher) August 15, 2012
Oh, and what’s that Cher?
ONL As Born Again Christians!What Will happen 2Jews, Catholics,Mormons?They r not born again!What will happen 2 the rest of us!Please tell
— Cher (@cher) August 15, 2012
Me,where do Good ppl go?Mormons Baptize Dead ppl,so they can b member of the true Church & b able 2 go 2 1 of their 3 Heavens!Can u explain
— Cher (@cher) August 15, 2012
We’ll make a deal with you, Cher. You try writing comprehensible tweets and we’ll do our best to explain them.
Cher hates ‘old white men’ Republicans making women have babies; ‘Contraception is illegal’; Update: Ranting continues
Cher: Why can’t I ask questions about these darn secretive Mormons?
Cher, not high, traces Dick Cheney’s lineage to Darth Vader
Cher: Romney is ‘spineless racist,’ ‘cretin’; Must fight ‘T-Baggies’ Bachmann and Palin; Update: Her unintelligible rant continues
Cher loves all the ‘flaming assholes’ — except Mitt Romney
Anti-Mormon bigot Cher: ‘Richy Rich Romney whitest man in magic underwear’
Cher: Eww, check out all the white people behind Mitt Romney
Cher’s heartbreaking, tear-inducing nightmare about the November election
Cher: I’m sorry for being a hater like Rush Limbaugh
Cher doesn’t want to breathe the same air as Romney and his ‘racist homophobic women hating tea bagger masters’
Morning meltdown with Cher: jellyfish, Satan, and GOP wing-nuts
Cher goes on Twitter rampage, forgets 140-character limit
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/15/cher-explains-mormon-tenants/
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westernmanews · 7 years ago
AMHERST, MASS. (SHNS) – Colleges and universities in Massachusetts have grappled with free speech and First Amendment rights in recent years — especially when controversial speakers come to town.
The debate over free speech and counter-protests was recently elevated when Attorney General Jeff Sessions in late September called the American college campus “an echo chamber of political correctness and homogeneous thought, a shelter for fragile egos” during a speech at the Georgetown University Law School.
Sessions said he believes free speech on college campuses is under attack and advocated for First Amendment rights over “disruptive tactics” of hecklers who try to stop controversial speakers. There’s been a “crackdown on speech” on campuses spanning “creeds, races, issues and religions,” he said.
“The Department of Justice will do its part in this struggle. We will enforce federal law, defend free speech, and protect students’ free expression from whatever end of the political spectrum it may come,” Sessions said Sept. 26. “To that end, we are filing a Statement of Interest in a campus free speech case this week and we will be filing more in the weeks and months to come.”
The Georgia free speech case pertains to the on-campus expressions of a Christian group that the justice department believes were improperly constricted, said Sessions, who urged all higher education officials “push back against some of the trends we’re seeing today,” including efforts to block free speech.
Sessions himself used his speech to denounce an incident in Michigan in 2016 in which he said local officials arrested and jailed individuals on a public college campus “for handing out copies of the United States constitution.” He said one third of public campuses surveyed by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education had written policies banning disfavored speech, including one policy banning “conduct that a reasonable person would find offensive.”
“For publicly run institutions, the easy answer is that upholding free speech rights is not an option, but an unshakable requirement of the First Amendment,” Sessions said. “But even setting aside the law, the more fundamental issue is that the university is supposed to be the place where we train virtuous citizens. It is where the next generation of Americans are equipped to contribute to and live in a diverse and free society filled with many, often contrary, voices.”
But it isn’t always that easy, as Sessions’ appearance at Georgetown proved. Dozens of protesters took a knee ahead of Sessions’ speech, inspired by protests during the national anthem led by NFL players that both President Donald Trump and Sessions have railed against. Asked about condemnations of those protests, Sessions said “the president has free speech rights too” and called it “a big mistake to protest in that fashion … ”
During his speech, Sessions criticized “free speech zones,” or protest areas set up on campuses, but protesters who opposed his visit were corralled by Georgetown officials in such zones, the New York Times reported.
Clashes over free speech have come to a head here in Amherst, a college town in the western part of the state home to more than 30,000 students who attend the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst College and Hampshire College.
As Sessions pointed out, debates over free speech often flare up around controversial speakers. UMass Amherst caught national attention last year when its campus hosted panel called “The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?” headlined by Milo Yiannopoulos, a conservative associated with the alt-right. Other speakers at the UMass College Republicans event included Christina Hoff Sommers and Steven Crowder.
Yiannopoulos proclaimed “feminism is cancer” and inflamed protesters sprinkled throughout the crowd who shouted and booed. Two female protesters who referred to his comments as “hate speech” faced harassment online for months after the event.
According to a study from the Brookings Institute released this summer, 51 percent of college students surveyed say it is acceptable to shout over a speaker they do not agree with so the audience cannot hear them. Further, 1 in 5 college students believes it is acceptable to use violence to prevent a speaker from speaking, the study said, if they are known to make “offensive and hurtful statements.”
To foster a “supportive environment” on campus, UMass Amherst operates a “Hate Has No Home At UMass” campaign, Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy told the faculty Senate earlier this fall.
“But make no mistake, we will pursue these goals while maintaining our commitment to academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas. Because in this era of fake news and alternative facts, the unfettered exploration of new ideas, grounded in research and scholarship, is more important than ever,” Subbaswamy said at that time, according to UMass spokesman Ed Blaguszewski.
At Amherst College, the fall semester got off to a raucous start when an anti-war banner appeared above a dining hall on Sept. 11. “There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people,” the banner read. “In honor of those killed and displaced by America’s so called ‘war on terror.'”
Amherst officials called the banner “deeply insensitive” but said the college’s obligation to free speech prevented its removal, the Boston Herald reported.
In 2015, Amherst College was at the center of another free speech debate for its “Amherst Uprising” sit-in after “Free Speech” and “All Lives Matter” posters appeared on campus.
On the other side of town, protests erupted at Hampshire College last year after students burned the American flag after the 2016 election. When Hampshire decided not to fly the flag immediately after, the college caught national attention and hundreds of pro-flag protesters swarmed the campus.
When the flag was flown again in December, Hampshire College President Jonathan Lash said the flag hadn’t been lowered to make a political statement or offend veterans, but to “facilitate much-needed dialogue” on campus.
“This is what free speech looks like. We believe in it, we will continue this work on campus, and we will look for ways to engage with our neighbors in the wider community. We raise the flag now as a symbol of that freedom, and in hopes for justice and fairness for all,�� Lash said in a statement.
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dwestfieldblog · 5 years ago
‘Humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security’ Soon? Thousands head for the beaches, to sweat two feet away from their neighbours in the sand and suck up that healthy fresh air...or crowd face to face and shout drunkenly outside pubs. Europe watching in stunned horror as governments in Britain and America get it all wrong.  Meanwhile Putin (SuperTsar to 2036) continues to smirk his baldhead off as all three continue to disintegrate. Divide and conquer. Insanity, lies, fear and loathing in the time of Covid.  
‘Anyone can get it, anyone can spread it’. That was one of the British Government’s slogans many many weeks ago...But the wearing of masks on public transport only became mandaTORY (see what I did there?) on Monday 15th June. Five months too late and with over 42 thousand dead by that date. How’s that Herd Immunity working out for you Mr Cummings, looking good? Our version of the foul Bannon perhaps. A man who appears to suffer from the same fatal flaw as all those close to Money and Power...the rules (which he himself oversaw and wrote for Boris) don’t apply to such as he. And so, off he drove with wife and child for a couple of hundred miles to test his eyesight to see if he was ill. And Boris himself also broke all the rules...shaking hands in hospital with Covid patients, ignoring distancing, etc. He missed several important EU meetings about the virus early on and missed COBRA getting together three times. Self serving, blathering incompetent moron. Get that Russia Report out soon Boris, let’s see where your party’s money is from... scared of the effect it will have on your sugar daddy overseas? Tweedledum and Tweedledumber. And what about that 350 MILLION POUNDS every week for the NHS, coming soon eh?
The shameful fiasco with the masks and surgical equipment manufactured in the UK...the makers told the governments about six weeks before the virus started to bite, that they had hundreds of thousands of items ready to sell AT COST. Boris’s government told them NO...so they were sold to Europe. Ha. Doctors and nurses could and should have been given them. Then the UK eventually started importing these things from Europe and CHINA, at massive cost. Meanwhile, the majority of English people repeated the party line that masks were only for professionals who needed them, missing the idea they could make one for themselves from cloth. We used to be good at ‘making do’ and being inventive with resources but someone told us that masks were unhealthy...as compared to say, an airborne virus which can cause embolisms in the lungs. (For the record; blood oxygen remains at full and NO extra carbon dioxide is re-inhaled.) The percentage of droplets not breathed in or released by wearing a mask shows it is well worth putting one on. Give yourself a fighting chance.  
Groups of brain-dead less than holy ‘Christian’ Trump supporters in the USA have ranted that masks ‘kill’, ignoring the fact that if that were actually true, doctors, nurses, dentists and firemen would have been dropping like flies for decades. ‘I don’t wear a mask because it imposes on my freedom’...because it is clearly a deep state system of control eh? Some thick as shite UK protestors rebelled against social distancing and the wearing of masks by having group hugs of defiance, blaming 5G TV masts for the virus. ‘My Body My Choice.’ No, not this time pal. Get ill, walk around big mouth flapping, infecting dozens more, go to hospital and expect others to help you for free? F..k off, cough, stay home and die. Lockdown in this context is NOT New World Order stuff. TV masts can do many things but magically causing viral infections in CO2 is not one of them. (Or perhaps the false information used in the despicable Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones spiels relayed over the air is, paranoia is certainly infectious.) Shame ‘the rain falls on us all, just and unjust’, be marvelous if only ijeets got Covid and the world got lighter.
Roll call of the best...The National Health Service, (in fact ALL those working on the front line in hospitals globally.)The hyperbole about heroes is accurate in their case, above and beyond. But the party in Britain, who has done so much to undermine them, have been encouraging folk to go into the streets to clap for the NHS. Insulting with irony. Nice and English, very polite and white to be achieving nothing more than salving consciences with bugger all of substance. May Goddess and the Snake bless the NHS.
I only discovered JONATHAN PIE in the last few weeks, (Thanks to Killing Joke’s Youth) amazed nobody recommended him to me before. Best comedian from the ‘U’K in the last thirty years. Factual satire to the highest. And good to see the new Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer, a man who EARNED his KCB/ knighthood, not bought it by donating funds, destroying Boris at every Question Time by exposing his utter lack of honesty and answers. At last, a leader who is/seems to be, intelligent, moral with empathy and has brought to book those on left and right. First good thing he did was to remove those from the Marxist Momentum. He has been slagged off by various slags as another ‘champagne socialist’. He owns a field and his Mum and dad were a toolmaker and a nurse. Sounds like a real fake so far eh? A barrister...who understands the LAW and would be/will be a believable PM. The first one in my lifetime for whom I would vote, whether or not I could, ha ha, ever be a socialist. I will certainly NEVER (means NEVER) be a Conservative or a Libertarian and don’t much feel like a Liberal. Labels are only for those who are proud to advertise and virtue signal. Fnord. A concerned citizen? Oh and downwards we go now...
Trump recommended using detergent to destroy the virus...please go for it man, DO IT and all your rabid followers too. Satanic Evangelicals, cheering as he...drinks a glass of water with one hand and tosses it aside! A master of the universe right there. His casual statement about the reappearance of Kim wrong Un...‘I, for one am glad to see he is back, alive and well!’ His idiotic wondering over what the 19 in Covid 19 stands for. Don’t forget kids...‘If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases’. And ‘I said, can we slow the testing down please?’Five pages could be filled here with verbatim bullshit he has said this year, his entire July 3rd and 4th speeches alone would fill three. Shame the puppet is in debt to the oligarchs isn’t it? The truth will OUT.
(How Nice and Christian of America to have bought up ALL stocks of Remdesivir for the next three months, perhaps they mean to sell it at vast profit or give it free...but only for those who vote the Right way.)  
The lizard in chief, who has used Twitter for three years of s..t stirring rhetoric, outright lies and the wrong type of insanity thousands of times has now claimed that Twitter are ‘completely stifling free speech’. (This was in relation to the possibility that polling stations would have to be closed in November if Covid maintains.) Due to him tweeting ‘There is no way (zero) that mail-in ballots (postal votes) will be anything less than substantially fraudulent.’ Twitter added to his words, a small, polite warning that this claim was ‘Unsubstantiated’ Well, it is. The majority of what the spoiled child says is indeed only his baseless and deranged opinion. For this outrageous caveat to his words of stable genius, he wants to revoke Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This would mean strict penalties or close-down on service providers of social media when it appears that distributors of such are acting as publishers.  
However, in 1997 the Supreme Court in the USA declared the CDA unconstitutional, so would this be another case of him wiping brown cheeseburger smears on the Constitution yet again? Fascinating that so many who support him do not seem to genuinely support such things as the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. But then, freedom in a democracy means having the right to destroy your freedoms eh? ‘In filth, sublimity; in sublimity, filth’. Robot Zuckerberg’s Facebook removed the trump advert (the one with the nazi upside down red triangle symbol) for violating their policy against organised hate. At last they notice what he has been writing. Having social media giants finally stand up to him at the same time more Republicans (Hello Lincoln Project, shame it took three and a half years and 135 thousand deaths ) are ripping at his heels, and the basic normal minded voters seeing him for what he truly is, might be enough...and I believe it WILL.  
And Goddess bless the all Tik Tok Teens for booking Trump rally tickets and then not going. Laughed my arse off at the rabid right wing demanding the kids be arrested for it. Beautiful, peaceful organised anarchy...perhaps there is indeed hope for the future if the young are up to this. But many groups on Left and right are funded directly by the Kremlin, it helps to chaos things up. Wonder if the KKK and the BNP would be happy to know where their money comes from... whether Nationalism really matters to them when it is supported by those who seek the overthrow of their countries. And many Anti fascist groups get their moolah via the same channels. Dream of the day when both sides realise how much they are being manipulated by the bastards with a grip on basic primate psychology. Where does the money come from? Look.
Speaking of such...beware of Steve Bannon. Again. Global Nationalistic traveller spreading the word and the channels of finance to those who would take over the world. One more false Christian seeking to rally the world against fascist Islamist death cults (easy to do, they are truly scum and swine), China (only the evil soul dead government yes) and any non right wing atheists. The advisor whose every word on his future world vision is adhered to by Donald, (apart from when he hilariously criticised both him and his daughter.) One of the most dangerous men in the world right now, uniting the populist nationalists and all those disaffected lost souls who feel the world owes them for being born. Angry because they fight evolving change, which is what life itself is remorselessly and thus their deep inner self, knowing they are wasting their time, gets ever angrier. But it is good to have an obsessive hobby eh?
‘Snowflakes won’t last long in Texas/looks like we got us a Reader/you aint from around here are you boy?’ Well bollocks to snowflakes obviously, but Texas? The self righteous land stealing oil swilling blubberbucket cowboy fascist homeland. Doing just fine with Covid since Trumpists decided masks were a Liberal conspiracy run by Jews. Etc. Jumpin Jehovah yeehah and oy vey. Cosmic schmucks. But...‘What is believed to be true, is true or becomes true’ This creates further neuron connections and changes perception, re-programmes and perhaps explains why almost all sides think they are always correct. But over half only seem to Invoke often and eventually perpetuate loops of entropy, they don’t Banish often and cleanse to the purer. Brainwashed by self hypnosis and proud of it. Anal retentives loving their own dirt, believing their own propaganda but not accepting new information unless it conforms to what they have already decided is real and imprinted as truth. Neophobes, in a word. The conspiracy of counter evolution...
‘A political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, and that stands for a centralised autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition.’ Definition of Fascism.
How many countries fit that pattern? China. Russia. Saudi Arabia. North Korea. Brazil, Turkmenistan, Belousrussia, America, parts of Europe...and Britain step by step...anywhere else where populism is rising. ‘The state is the coldest of all cold monsters and coldly it tells lies, and this lie oozes from its lips; ‘I, the state, am the people.’ Nietzsche.  
‘Disobedience was man’s original virtue’. Oscar Wilde. You know what to do. But pull back on the useless iconoclasms kids; don’t give the bastards NO ‘just cause’.
‘All words transmitted as sonic or visual signals – sound waves or light waves -  rapidly become photons, electrons, neurotransmitters, hormones, colloidal reactions, reflex arcs, conditioned or imprinted ‘frames’, physiological responses etc as they impact upon the total synergetic organism. ‘Perception’ consists of a complex series of codings and decodings as in form-ation trans-forms itself through successive sub-systems of the organism as a whole.’ (Robert Anton Wilson) Get it? Choose your magick words with care.
Stay sane and zetetic if you want to be or go freaking crazy, go to the park and read a book, alone in the sunny shade. Keep laughing. Avoid crowds, groups and other people.Love from the Lone Derranger... Enjoy July 23rd via psychic and internet connections and don’t forget...
‘It is only on the cross that the rose may bloom’.
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